*Disclaimer: This is a really broad topic, and I’m not a sex therapy expert, so unfortunately, I won’t be able to cover everything that’s relevant. Most of my patients are male and heterosexual, so I’m addressing the topic from that perspective. I don’t mean to leave anyone else out, I just try to stick to writing about what I know.
So… Judging by the number of pageviews on the last post, it looks like some of you find it less awkward to discuss sexual dysfunction on the blog than in person.
Good – you need to have access to this information, even if you feel too embarrassed to ask about it face-to-face.
You know, I briefly considered writing the last post about Dave the Zebra. I thought, maybe that would be less awkward for people?
However – Dave the Zebra is actually named after Dave the Dude. I value my friendship with Dave the Dude. Somehow, he didn’t like the idea of putting his name in the same sentence as sexual dysfunction, in a blog read by thousands of people. Go figure, eh?
Well – let’s talk about it. (Dave the Dude, you can relax. I’m keeping you totally out of this…)
In the last post, we talked about how and why PTSD can mess up your sex life.
Today, we’re going to discuss how the mess in your sex life can have a ripple effect on the rest of your life.
Sexual dysfunction messes up your relationships, starting with the relationship that you have with yourself.
(Hey – can we try to focus please? I’m talking about the emotional relationship with yourself – not the five-knuckle-shuffle relationship with yourself! …Not that there’s anything wrong with that…)
Look – who you are in bed is part of your identity. You don’t need to go through life being Mr. Don Juan – even if you’re a relatively vanilla kind of dude, you have a sense of how your plumbing works and what you enjoy doing with it.
When that changes, it can have a big impact on how you feel about yourself. We live in a culture where, as a guy, you’re supposed to be obsessed with sex, or so the media would have you believe. So a lot of guys end up feeling like they’re somehow less of a man when stuff like this happens. You might feel angry and ashamed, and try not to think about it.
If you’re a single dude, this might really have an impact on your confidence about getting into a new relationship. You might question whether a woman would want to be with you, if things don’t quite work the way they used to.
(Answer: yes, the right woman would still want to be with you. The right woman would love you for your sense of humour, your smile, and whatever else it is that makes you awesome in her eyes. And you can sweep her off her feet with flowers and chocolates and kisses and dancing and backrubs and… Well, when it actually comes to sex, most women like all that stuff that most guys rush through to get to the main course. So, serve up a really good appetizer, and she won’t really miss the main course, you catch my drift?)
I’d love to have you share your thoughts, comments, and questions. If you do post a comment, please don’t give specific details of your trauma – these may be triggering to another reader. If you’d like to offer criticism, I’ll take it – I know I’m not perfect, and I’m always willing to learn. If you do offer criticism though, I’d really appreciate it if you could do so constructively (ie., no name-calling, please). Thanks…
You can find me on Twitter and on Facebook.
~ Dr. Dee Rajska, C. Psych.
*Fine print: Please feel free to share the link to this blog wherever you think it might be helpful! Reading this blog is a good start, but it’s no substitute for professional help. It takes a different kind of courage to admit to yourself that you’re struggling. PTSD is not a sign of failure – it’s a sign that you’ve been through a lot, and have tried to stay strong for too long. If you need help – you’re in some pretty great company. Reach out, and give yourself a chance to feel better.
**Really fine print: The content of Coming Back Home is copyrighted; please feel free to share the link, but do not copy and paste content. Unless otherwise noted, all original photography on Coming Back Home is copyrighted. The photo gracing today’s post was taken by Wojtek Rajski, and I’d like to thank him for generously allowing me to use his work. Please do not copy photographs from Coming Back Home without permission.
Thank you for the flood of feedback.
I should have started with a disclaimer: I know that you’re a diverse group of readers. I know that not all vets, and not all people with PTSD are male, heterosexual, and that PTSD has many impacts on sexuality, not just sexual dysfunction.
I started by talking about its impact on heterosexual relationships where a male partner has PTSD, because the original question asked by a spouse was from a female spouse about her male partner.
I didn’t mean to leave the rest of you out in the cold. You matter to me too. I know that there’s a whole list of other stuff to say on this topic. Why didn’t I cover the rest of it? Because you’ve told me that you can only pay attention for about 400 words at a time.
I will do my best to make my answers broad enough to apply to everyone when I can; when I can’t do so in 400 words or less, I will do my best to address a topic repeatedly, until I cover most angles.
As always – thank you for your feedback….